March 28, 2017
Mao Menace
March 28, 2017


The Great, Nelson Mandela is no more. The tallest warrior of modern world passes away at the age of 95. Till his last breath, he fought against apartheid incessantly. Racism was at its zenith in erstwhile African continent. Nelson gave his all to see a life with dignity on the part of people with black skin. The then British rule inflicted unthinkable tyranny on this die-hard revolutionary leader. He spent 27 years in prison. His cell was 8/8 feet in size. Mandela slept on the floor and was given a bucket for toilet. He was forced to labour hard in a quarry. He was not allowed to attend the funerals of his mother and his son who died during his prison sentence. He was expelled from the University College for protesting against bad quality of food in the year of 1940. It always seems impossible unless it is done and Mandela proved it through his contributions to South African Nation. His uncompromising war bore the fruit, ultimately. Apartheid ceased in South Africa with Mandela’s coronation as the President of that country. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela is that statesman who gained a marvelous victory over fear in his crusade against injustice. India was among the first countries to accord the African National Congress diplomatic status in 1967. Nelson Mandela reciprocated by choosing India as the first country to visit after his release from prison. I bow down my head for the pious soul and pray Lord to grant eternal happiness to the departed soldier.